Monday, March 16, 2009

Ayurveda Change Your Whole Life

urmeric has been used in Indian systems of medicine for a long time. It??was listed in an Assyrian herbal dating from about 600 BC and?was also mentioned by Dioscorides. Both the East and the West?have held its medicinal properties in high regard through the?ages.
In Indian systems of medicine,?turmeric is used to some extent as a stomachic, tonic and blood purifier.?
It is also prescribed as an antiperiodic alterative. Externally, it?is applied to indolent ulcers. A decoction of the rhizome is said?to relieve the pain of purulent ophthalmia. Oil of turmeric, distilled?from the dried rhizomes, has feeble antiseptic properties. It is an? antacid, and, in small doses, acts as a carminative, stomachic, appetiser?? and tonic. In large doses, however, it appears to act as an antispasmodic?
inhibiting excessive peristaltic movements of the intestines. Turmeric?also possesses anti-inflammatory property
Sanskrit: Brahmi
Hindi: Brambhi

Parts Used:
Whole plant, roots, leaves, stalks.

Traditional Ayurvedic Uses:Brahmi acts as a powerful brain food, and is known for its ability to enhance mind power (Medhya effect). It supports and improves all aspects of mental functioning, including comprehension (Dhi), memory (Dhriti) and recollection (Smriti). It is important because it also enhances the crucial coordination of these three aspects of mental functioning.

Because it increases the ability to solve problems effectively, Brahmi is often used in formulas to help relieve and prevent stress.
Brahmi can be processed in different ways, or with different herbs, to balance any of the three laws of the physiology (Vata, Pitta, Kapha).
It is a very good overall tonic (Rasayana, or longevity-enhancer).


Parts Used:
Root and stems.

Traditional Ayurvedic Uses:

Bhringaraj has a Keshya effect, meaning that it directly nourishes and improves the hair.
It is especially good for the liver, which is governed by the subcategory of Pitta called Ranjaka Pitta. Ranjaka literally translates as "that which colors", and explains the ability of Bhringaraj to balance and improve hair color from within.
By improving liver function, Bhringaraj also helps to remove and prevent impurities


Traditional Ayurvedic Uses:

Arjuna is a very large tree. The bark is used in certain herbal combinations as a powerful, soothing tonic for the heart. It is good for both the physical heart as a muscle, as well as for the emotions associated with the heart.
Arjuna is used for loneliness, sadness and frustration. It strengthens the emotions to decrease excessive response to stress and trauma.
It helps strengthen the body's natural rejuvenative processes, hastening the replacement of dead or weak cells with fresh, vital ones.
In proper combinations, Arjuna helps stabilize an erratic heart beat.
Arjuna helps balance all three doshas at once (Vata, Pitta, Kapha), a rare and very valuable property.
This tree herb bears the same name as Arjuna, son of Pandu -- a great hero of the Bhagavad-Gita. The Gita is a treasured poem from the Vedic epic called the Mahabharata.


by TemplatesForYouTFY
SoSuechtig, Burajiru